Sp33dy - GPS Speedometer
- your vehicle speedometer is broken
- youve got different size tires
- you drive a push bike
- doubt that your speedo shows a true speed
- want to have a 100% proof of speed that youve achieved in your vehicle.
and would like to display your current speed - here is a very simplistic speedometer app that will provide a display of Your speed from Your IOS device location.
Display supports:
- mph (miles per hour)
- km/h (kilometers per hour)
- knots
- m/s (meters per second)
Also display is scalable from 10 to 1000 units of any type - so can be used for a push bike / truck / super car.
App features two themes: bright and dark. Default switch point is 35% which works best in a standard vehicle. If you would like to later this setting, this is possible through a configuration menu to the point that You can force bright / dark theme to be on 100% of the time.
This app comes absolutely free and there is no intent for making it a paid app, but there will be an advertisement bar at the bottom of the display.